Game Masters Bundle
Game Masters Bundle
The perfect way to reward your hard-working game master for a campaign well run! Designed for everyone’s favourite 5th edition tabletop game.
This gift set includes the Game Master’s Workbook, World Building Workbook, Initiative Pad, Map Pad, Location Pad and NPC Pad.
Game Master’s Workbook: The ideal workbook for any game master, for use in 5th edition tabletop games. You’ll find everything you need to create and manage the adventures you run, a 64 page book including PC trackers, stat blocks, encounter managers, session trackers and more.
World Building Workbook: The perfect workbook for any world builder! Ideal for use with 5th edition tabletop games. The World Building Workbook is a handy tool for writing and expanding the worlds that you create for your role-playing games, packed with 64 pages of random rolling tables, world generators, demographics guides, town makers, NPC builders, and more.
Initiative Pad: An easy place to quickly jot down the initiative order when combat begins. Perfect for game masters who want to stay organised and keep track of initiative & statuses while the battle rages on!
Map Pad: Makes it easy to quickly sketch out areas when prepping for games - and it’s a generous A4 size so you can create entire dungeons.
NPC Pad: Allows you to easily prep as many NPC stat blocks as you need - designed for people and monsters alike!
Location Pad: Great for planning the key details of the places your player characters are to explore, with lists for landmarks and people.